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Process servers are an important part of the legal system, but they can also be used by scammers. If you’ve ever been targeted by a process service scammer, then you know how frustrating it can be. It’s not enough to simply avoid the scammer—you need to know how to spot one in the first place. Read on for some tips on how to do just that.

Watch Out for Phone Calls and Texts

Most process service scammers will try to reach out via phone call or text message. They may claim that they need information from you or that they have paperwork for you to sign—but don’t believe them! Legitimate process servers will never contact you this way, so if you get a call or text like this, it’s almost certainly a scammer.

Beware of Unusual Payment Requests

Legitimate process servers charge fees for their services, but these payments should always be made directly to the server and should follow all local laws and regulations. If someone is asking for payment upfront via cash or wire transfer before providing any services, then that’s a red flag—it could be a scammer trying to take your money without actually providing any real help.

Look at Their Credentials Carefully

Any legitimate process server will have certification from the National Association of Private Process Servers (NAPPS). Make sure that any server you work with is properly certified according to NAPPS standards before agreeing to anything. You can check this information easily online; just make sure that whatever credentials they’re claiming are genuine before proceeding with any services.

Process service scams are unfortunately common in today’s world. The best way to protect yourself is by being aware of the warning signs and staying alert when dealing with any type of process service provider. If something seems suspicious, don’t hesitate to ask questions or seek out another provider who can offer more assurances about their legitimacy. By doing your research and keeping your eyes open for potential fraudsters, you can help ensure that your experience with process services stays stress-free and worry-free!

The content within this blog is provided solely for informational purposes and should not be taken as professional legal advice. At Lafayette Process Servers LLC, our personnel are not qualified to provide you with legitimate counsel regarding state regulations; therefore, it is highly recommended that you seek the guidance of a reputable lawyer to get trustworthy information.